Flying Ants

The setting sun illuminates a swarm of flying ants that have been stirred out of their nest by a summer storm. Taken east of Corrigin, Western Australia on 23rd January 2016.

The corrugated iron shed in this image is a very common sight on Australian country roads. When it rains, schoolchildren take cover in them as they wait for the school bus to arrive.

Read the full story behind this image here.

Flying Ants


Various print options are available directly from my RebBubble store. Price depends on size and print options selected.

SKU: RED-VAR-0-502

The Old Shed

This old shed sits just off the road near Williams, Western Australia. Over its lifetime, it has seen many seasons come and go.

The Old Shed


Various print options are available directly from my RebBubble store. Price depends on size and print options selected.

SKU: RED-VAR-0-506