Canal Rocks At Dawn

Canal Rocks At Dawn

On the morning of 27 June, 2015, a large swell was predicted to hit the south west coastline of Western Australia, so I packed my camera gear into my car and headed south the night before, arriving just after midnight. There was a bitterly cold wind blowing in off the hills behind me and even in the darkness, I could hear the larger than average swell as it crashed into the rocks below the carpark where I was camped. The following morning I was able to get this image of Canal Rocks to my north. 

Read the full story behind the day I captured this image here.

Canal Rocks At Dawn

Various print options are available directly from my RebBubble store. Price depends on size and print options selected.
SKU: RED-VAR-0-657

Cape Leeuwin

Cape Leeuwin is a promontory on the Southernmost coast of Western Australia, where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean. Battered by an ever-persistent wind and relentless ocean swells, this remote and pristine location is an amazing place to visit any time of the year. The coastline is littered with hidden beaches and countless rock formations, like this one, just north of the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse.

Cape Leeuwin


Various print options are available directly from my RebBubble store. Price depends on size and print options selected.

SKU: RED-VAR-0-494